Sunday, October 12, 2008

What is hatred?

My sister gave birth to a child. As she was teacher in a school, when she joined school after maternity leave, she appointed a maid nurse, Girija, to take care of her child. Girija seemed happy in doing the work. For some time, all went well. One day, my sister recognized that, Girija didn’t feed the baby regularly, in her absence. Sometimes, Girija won't feed it, even if, it was crying. She got quite unhappy about this, as Girija was taking care of the child at her school hours.

So, Girija was expelled from the job and later there were abuses from the Girija's sister for expelling her. It gave way to a prolonged anger between my sister's family and Girija's family.

But, I had a different angle of looking into this series of events.

Actually, Girija's sister found Girija happily living with my sister as a maid. But, she could not see, the unhappy ending like this. So, her abuses were raised out of the love and affection that she had for Girija.

My sister, being naturally careful about her child, out of that love towards her child, had expelled Girija. It was finally love, that was acting in both sides, which created the prolonged anger between the families. This is a simple example to illustrate that, there is neither anger nor hatred as such. All that is called hatred is a manifestation of the love, when it is in some other direction.

I think, if Girija's sister and my sister, both, knew that it is out of their love, that, they were getting angry, they would have acted to better cater needs of their beloved ones, instead of abusing.

Friday, August 1, 2008

How do you convince?....Exaggeration!

Hi there,

Sorry for making some eager folks waiting(though my count for those, is limited to a uno!). And when You start, its a bizzarre thing that comes into mind especially when you feel sick about some attitudes around. So, its under the Bizzare Heading.

As some may say, some of my thought process goes well, others might suck. Hope this one doesn't. Someday somehow I happened to explain one of my dear friends, the consequences caused by the use of exaggerations, too regularly.

Here starts a story for you. I got good new collegues, when I had a change. One of the new colleagues, kept using exaggerations. "hey the theatre is 'completely' full","I can bet on this for '101%'.. ",...etc,etc. I dont know if there is any other state more filled than a 'full'. Then what addition does this 'completely' add to a full thatre? Where is extra 1% when he bets 100%? (Well if the bets were in terms of money, I would not have had a second thought, as I get 1% extra!).

So, these exaggerations initially made me think that, he is telling those things with complete confidence and whatever he meant was 'complete' reality. But, later I realized, for convincing something, these kind of exaggarations are mere short term tools, and if you go without them, the trust you get for your words with simple plain truth, is a long living one. Of course there should be moral in every story, so it was!

Ok Guys,
take care, will return with more and better ones!

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Memory Power

Some lecture on how to imporve memory power was arranged in our college once, and the resource person, started with a very effective statement, which I still remember."Any piece of information when it enters into the mind, it is just like, a small pin falling into ocean." That is, You can never retrieve it back if you simply throw a piece of information into mind.
Then how to get it back? How to remember things? The answer is, "You should relate". You should relate any newly entering information to the existing information that you can retrieve at your will. This relation acts as a net and if you know how to get to any point on this net, you can reach to the needed information however subtle it is.
Let me exemplify. Foriegners' names have been very hard for me to rememeber. I dont find any already exisitng memory thread to which I can add on this new name. In case of Indian names, I can atleast relate it to some meaning however obscure the meaning be.
One fine day I got a call from Gautham saying that he has joined a comany in Bangalore. I asked him the name of the company and he told me a foreign name. As always, I was not confident that I would remember it. (Also I was sure that I will have to pay heavily, if I dont remember.) So, I asked again. When I asked him twice or so, he realized my difficulty and came to my rescue. The company name was Mascon. He told me to relate it with ISCON( an organization known for the devotees of lord Krishna), and I could remember it well later.
The moral of the story: When you get a new piece of info need to be memorized, you link it with already memorized piece of information. Thats it. You will surely get it, whenever you want. That is the secret of memory power.