Monday, October 1, 2007


With all phobia's I am adding another desease. BAKophobia. I badly want to share this experince because you all are going to get benefited out of it.

It happened like this. I had installed a software in my PC(It is a client actually). But, it was not working. I broke my head in several different ways. But couldn't solve it. The sotware still kept its challenge to my ability open. Finally, I had to visit the master of software installation in our department. He is so experienced and so knowledgeable in installing the software. So, I asked him to help me. He went through all procedures, many of them mere a repitiation of what I did, and finally, found the loophole. The installation was refering to a back up file(back up configuration file). He removed that back up file, and we were welcomed by the appearance of client window.

That was the time, when I started hating Back Up files. I honestly hate them. The honesty is in that, the oath that I took at the time I realized that I hated them. The oath goes like this:" I will promptly shift delete(permanent delete- cannot be reincarnated from recycle bin also) all the bak files I could see in my PC,( and other PC's too when I see them). Every day as soon as I arrive, I will search for all the back files in my PC and delete them. I will never opt for a back file generation in the event of any change in any file. I will spread this message as much as possible" I have been honest in obeying this principle and suggest all of you too for doing so.

I started a great rage for backup files. I also realise that it has become a desease now. But then, why name it? I badly believe that, there should be a name for each desease. I advice all the readers to name any of the new kind of disorders with a particular name. A named desease always invokes respect for the patient in the heart of any person who comes to know. So, I immadiately figured a name for this desease, when I came to know that I had such a disorder. "BAKophobia". What else can I name this desease. I have seen 'phobia' many times in the testbooks and news papers. Whatever, we hate in gereral can be put as a kind of phobia. This makes the desease more respectable, I feel, than giving a trivial name. I hope I am not overburdening the syllabus of future students of future students of medicine. But then, I am also giving them a chance to charge more for these desease. I strongly feel that, doctors charge more for all the disorders that were named in thier text books. So, I feel that I am helping them than troubling.

I really dont understand the logic of creating the back files. These files simply reside at the disk and they are of no use. Suppose you have a large file, you open it, and make a small modification. Then a back file gets created with original conent and modified content will be stored in the actual file. This is as good as storing that large file twice with obviously no need for that with small difference in content in them. It consumes so much of you hard disk space and it ceratinly not advisable to keep it for any reason. Another noticeable fact is that, many viruses are activated when a back file gets generated. The synthesis of many computer viruses is done taking backup file as basis. Whenever back up files are created, many dangerous viruses may keep hang your PC's. many times you might have noticed that, your text editor works fine until you save it. When you save it, the whole system gets hanged. This is becuase, when you save it, a back up file will be created and this as soon as it gets created, viruses get activated. Ans also, You might have seen the extension of back file itself. How awkward it is. never look a beauty, with two dots. Just compare two file names text.txt and text.txt.bak. How beautiful is the first name. And how awkward is the second.

Even, bak files are a disrespect to the author/creator. What is the meaning of reverting back to a previous version after we have edited. Isn't there any respect for the editing that we have done. The operating systems actually disrespect us by creating bak files as if to show that, we may go wrong, and we may have to return back to original version. This is another reason we all should start deleting back files as and when possible. So, freinds, let us hold our hands together in deleting all back up files and let us have a motto that, we would be (shift) deleting all back up files of any sort within 2020.

OK, it is time now, for starting deletion of todays back up files in my machine. Hurrying for that. Will surely write more about them in coming posts. Till then, good bye.

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